Order directly from the supplier to you!

Pronto is a South African online store that sells products directly from suppliers at great prices. We offer free delivery nationwide on orders over R550 and a seamless shopping experience, we are committed to providing you with the best service and we are uploading new products every day.

Timeline of things

Pronto was conceived

The idea of an online store that will connect customers to suppliers was conceived. And so the development process began.

Company was founded

After batting back and fourth on names with friends and family we settled on Pronto. An expansive name that encapsulates our goals.

Soft launch

Pronto launches with a handful of products that friends and family have asked for. A small launch to test the ins and outs of the system and make improvements.

Public launch

By August Pronto will seek to have all its processes ironed out and be fully open to the public. We are excited for whats to come.